Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Zen and the art of destroying household items

This is gorgeous:

(hat tip Andrew Sullivan, as usual)

I especially like the parts with water balloons. I love anything that reminds us how amazing and beautiful the ordinary things around us are. Though my ascetic tastes still tend towards the epic, I am learning to appreciate the little pieces of awesomeness around me, and it has made me a much happier person (I'm on my way to Zen mastery, I swear). In the mornings when I shower, light comes into the bathroom from the window and there is so much steam that breathing in there is like the inverse of breathing in cold weather: I can see my breath in the absence of steam. Watching the water molecules swirl and dance in the sunlight makes my morning.

Late Update: This video adds an interesting twist to the general awesomeness of slow motion destruction:


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