Saturday, January 24, 2009

"I will crush them"

While I wasn't impressed by the inauguration, the Obama presidency (wow is that fun to say) sure has kicked ass so far. It seems that Obama really is going to stand by his campaign promises, since he has already acted decisively on some (closing Guantanamo, repealing the Mexico City rule) and has unambiguously reiterated some of the others that are controversial (repealing DADT, etc). I am also pretty confident in his ability to keep even the ones that require the acquiescence of the other branches of government (an effective and infrastructure-friendly stimulus plan, universal health care, a fix for social security, etc) because he is brilliant at politicking, because he has an army of volunteers and donors behind him, and because of what he says in this video:

(hat tip Daily Kos)



Boy, does the house and senate GOP have a fun ride ahead of them. One of the things that impressed me the most about Obama during the campaign was that he was always looking at what things meant far down the road, not just right now.

This video has helped me understand what Obama might be doing with the run up to the stimulus package. Due to relative popularity of infrastructure spending and Democratic majorities, the stimulus bill is going to pass. Perhaps, by throwing the Republicans some bones by making the initial proposal relatively small and including a large amount of tax cuts, Obama is trying to identify who wants to actually play ball and work toward making the package better, and who wants to play politics. Then he'll know who he can work with and who needs to be put in time-out, so to speak.


Sounds plausible.

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