Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On Gremlins

I have recently been researching mythological creatures both for incredibly dorky reasons and because they are awesome. One of the things that struck me was how recent some of the creations are, particularly gremlins. Like other mischievous little people (fairies, goblins, kobolds, pixies, brownies, oni, etc), gremlins are blamed when things mysteriously go wrong or get misplaced, but gremlins limit their mischief to airplanes. Gremlins were invented by the British Royal Air Force in WWI. They were originally suspected of being creatures in league with the Germans, but then RAF members heard of similar occurrences on German planes and realized that gremlins just like to sabotage planes for their own twisted pleasure, without regard for the nationality of the pilot. The gremlin myth became more widespread during WWII. Here is my favorite telling of the gremlin tale:



I definitely remember watching that exact cartoon as a kid.

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