Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Illustrated Night Parade of A Hundred Demons

During the same year that the Declaration of Independence was signed in the US, Japanese artist Toriyama Sekien published Gazu Hyakki Yakō, which is much like the tales of the Brother's Grimm in that it is a collection of folklore, except that this one is an illustrated bestiary instead of a collection of stories. The most amusing is the Akaname, or Filth Licker. The Tenome should be familiar to anyone who has seen Pan's Labyrinth:
This is probably my favorite:
...though I am also a fan of these two:



Hi Landon! These pictures are amazing!


Hi Elana! How are you doing?


I'm doing well! My job kinda sucks, but I'm keeping busy outside of it (I've got an internship with Crowded Fire Theatre Company and am Assistant Directing their next show). How is Korea?!?!


Things are going well so far. I am adjusting well. It doesn't even seem weird anymore to be here.

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