Friday, January 30, 2009

Call me Minjun (with Prank Signage II and other miscellanies)

My schedule is getting busier. I now tutor a student during the one break I had on Mondays and Fridays. This means that I have to start getting to work earlier to plan for my classes instead of doing some of that during the day (hence the reference to mindless walking dead).

I think my tutor student and I will get along well. His favorite movie is Jurassic Park and he is learning English in order to travel (he will soon be attending an English academy in Malaysia, for example). However, his English is rather limited at the moment. Due to their early immersion, the regulars at my school must think partially in English in order to speaking it so well. My tutor student, on the other hand, came to English a bit later than a lot of the kids at my school, so he sounds a bit like I do when learning Korean: he stops to think and translate his thoughts and he asks a lot for me to repeat things.

Speaking of my learning Korean, I've started meeting with one of the Korean kindy teachers after classes on Thursdays so that we can both improve our language skills. The Kindy teachers collectively gave me the Korean name Minjun (pronounced like 'mean June'), which is apparently a very common Korean name. Now that I am being taught by native speakers twice a week perhaps I will actually finally learn a (living) foreign language.


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