Sunday, January 18, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

The Washington Post just ran an article on Obama's faith:

For the president-elect, religion has always been less about theology than the power God inspires in communities...
Sounds like someone we know. I like to believe that Obama has this almost Bokononist view of religion. There is a part of me that prefers Bill Maher's opinion that McCain and Obama claim to be religious, "but I hope they're lying." However, I have recently attempted to embrace the foma of Bokanonism: the lies that bring one comfort and happiness. One of the foma I have been living by for over two years now is that Barack Obama will make the US a wonderful country and fix all our problems after eight years of duffle. One of the ways he might do that is by using and promoting the foma of religion. While it is not remotely possible for a religion to provide meaning for my life, I recognize that religions do indeed do so for many people, and I will do my best not to undermine meaningfulness for them as I have for myself. Similarly, as a Wittgenstinean I recognize the extreme importance of community, and while I am not part of any religious community, most of America is, and one must be part of a community in order to shape the realities of its members. In the meanwhile, I will attempt to re-embrace the foma of my past: truth, logic, science, Rawlsian Justice, etc and to discover new ones.


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