Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mental health break of the year

You should all check out the amazing videos that Andrew Sullivan collected this year as mental health breaks. My favorites are the stop motion animations (food fight, muto, western spaghetti), but I have to say that shark surfing is probably the most bad-ass thing I've ever seen.

My posts today seem to mention all of my phobias (scorpions, fundamentalist religious zealots, sharks). Despite my fear, I would totally go shark surfing if I knew how to surf, whereas I can imagine someone putting a gun to my head and threatening to kill me if I didn't put a scorpion in my mouth, and me saying, "umm... let me think about it." You know the scene in 1984 where Winston Smith goes to Room 101 of the Ministry of Love and is subjected to the worst thing in the world (which for him happens to be rats)? For me, room 101 would be a tank of water with a great white shark in it, with the walls and ceilings above the tank covered in tiny translucent scorpions.

Lest my talk of the worst thing in the world frighten you off, I should say that these videos aren't at all scary--there's just one that features a shark, which is what got me off on the fear tangent. Watch the videos; they will make your day.


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