Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Today I had a few hours between observing classes and an end of the year dinner for the teachers, so I decided to explore Daejeon the Eurasian Hobo way: by walking. Part of why I chose Daejeon as the city to teach in was that it is surrounded by large hills (Mt. Tabor sized hills, which some of you non-Coloradans would probably call 'mountains'). It is nice that it only takes a few minutes to get from my school to a path through forested hills, that passes by what are either burial mounds and markers or boundry markers of some sort (I'll have to ask about them). I also walked through the main strip of the Noeun neighborhood (where both my school and hotel are) down to the World Cup Stadium. As they say in Pulp Fiction, it's the little differences that make life strange in other countries. I have plenty to say on that subject but I'll save it for when I have experienced more and when I have pictures for demonstration.



What you saw were probably burial grounds, which are pretty normal over there. Were they on a hill overlooking a good view? I think the idea was to put the ancestors in the best spot they could.

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