Friday, December 19, 2008

Homosexuality laws

I'm glad that in the US the major issues when it comes to gay rights are adoption and marriage. While I think it is sad that the private lives of consenting adults depends upon public laws, it is way better than, say, Saudi Arabia, where sex between men is punishable by death.

Unfortunately, the US isn't even willing to ask nicely for Saudi Arabia and other repressive countries to stop. The US was the only 'Western' country not to sign a non-binding UN declaration decriminalizing homosexuality. Note, not homosexual marriage, but simply not being straight is a crime in more than 80 countries. France and The Netherlands are trying to stop that using the UN, and good luck to them. This time around the vote was 66 for the declaration, 60 against (mostly in Middle Eastern and African countries) and 66 abstaining. It is incredibly depressing that not even a non-binding declaration could pass, when what we really need is for the UN to prevent countries for imprisoning and killing people for their sexual orientation.

Maybe Obama will support the measure the next time around. He certainly owes the GLBT community.


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