Monday, March 2, 2009

Quote of the week

I've been neglecting the quote of the week in part because no one in my classes has said anything particularly exciting, so I will share some gems heard by other teachers. By far the best is a conversation concerning the kindergarten graduation presentation, which took place on Wednesday. Apparently one class behaved terribly for a parent night a few months ago and Lindsey was telling them to actually behave this time around when one of her students said, "Lindsey teacher, my mom say 'no do good, go to Somalia.'" When pressed for details, she said "Mom says in Somalia I play with the monkeys and live in the hut." Somalia is a hell of a threat, given that it's status as a haven for pirates is due to the complete ineffectiveness of the government. Other fun quotes are from journal entries: "This weekend we went to church and prayed to The God for Jesus' death."

Bonus quotes:
Sometimes my fellow teachers also make amusing statements. Bo is leaving next week, so to see him off we've spent the last few nights up until the cock crows (literally: there is a rooster that lives a block from my apartment which was crowing when we strolled in at six the last two nights, err... ummm... mornings), which leads to some interesting conversations. Last night while we were eating our weekly late night ramyen in a convenience store, Bo commented that "you could live here; there's curry and liquor," which were the first two things he saw.

To understand the beauty of the next quote you need some background on the curriculum we teach. One book is called Write it Write, which teaches the kids some sentences and how to insert different words into the same sentence structure. Some of the example sentences or conversations are truly awful, such as
A: "Let's go eat at an Indian restaurant."
B: "What do they serve there?"
A: "They serve Indian food, such as Indian curry and nan."

This came up as we went out for Indian food, and John thought up the following:
A: "Let's go eat at a Korean restaurant."
B: "What do they serve there?"
A: "They serve Korean food, such as Korean kimchi and dog."


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