Monday, March 9, 2009

Quote of the week (depressing version)

For this last week's quote I have selected an essay that my highest level kids had to write as part of a test. The topic was vegetarianism, and one student had this to say: "I don't like do different people", which is hilarious, but I'm pretty sure she meant "I don't like to do things differently than other people" because the next sentence is "when we're diffrent people see the different. Then we can don't have any friends. We can't have make friends time with eat meat. So I really hate being a vegetarian." That was the rough draft. The final version read "I don't like to change different person. When we change special person, people see we diffrent. So we can don't have any friend." One of the reasons I went to Asia was to try to be less individualistic, but judging by my reaction to this essay it will be a long slow struggle.


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