More hiking
Jeff and I went hiking yesterday. We went South starting at the same place that John, Bo and I had started going North. The trail of the first leg was steep and difficult, even for Korea, where there are no switchbacks. It turns out that we went up a section of trail that was closed. Had it been as well marked at the bottom as it was at the top of the mountain we would have hiked elsewhere, but as it was we had a nice peaceful hike without seeing anyone for the first hour.Near the top there was a view of Banseok, the neighborhood where I work. Well, it would be view if not for the smog.
On the top of our second peak a nice woman gave us what I have come to call citrus grapes; they look like mini oranges but you eat the skins and spit out the seeds, just like large grapes. She also took our picture.
On the next peak people had made a huge pile of precariously balanced rocks.
A little ways later there was a wonderful viewpoint of the entire loop that we had just hiked.
All along the trail were bushes with lots of little purple flowers.
And at the bottom of the trail was a bench shaped like an apple core.
Looks like its relatively spring-like there. I am envious of that.
Relatively, yes. There are a lot of things in bloom, but it is still really cold some days.
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