Friday, September 18, 2009

Kindergarten Drama Contest

All of the kindergarten students at my school had a drama contest, and the foreign teachers were the judges. The older students put on actual plays, while the younger classes sang songs. The largest room in our academy--which is still not very big, was converted into the stage by pushing all the desks against the wall and then letting the students run all over these desks:

The front two rows are Saturn class, my vote for cutest class at my school.

Jupiter (the baby class) is rather adorable too (Janet always wears giant animal ear head bands like the one's she has on here; in fact these ones are fairly subtle by her standards):

Malory from the baby class here models the currently popular dress-with-cartoon-figure-on-it:

The first class was Mars, the most advanced. They performed a dramatization of the old folk tale where a man is granted three wishes when he agrees not to chop down a magic tree (I'd always heard the version where he releases a magic fish, but whatever). He wastes his first wish saying 'I wish dinner were ready' then gets angry at his wife for cooking slowly and making him waste his first wish and in his anger wishes that the sausage she cooked was on her nose. Then he has to use his final wish to get the sausage off. Will is giving a skeptical look because they are doing really poorly (screwing around and hitting each other and forgetting their lines), especially since they are capable of doing really well:

Lauren had given a talk about being a good audience (which she had to convince our boss to put before the first performance) and the kids did alright for a while:

The babies knew their song and choreography surprisingly well:

Uranus class and Neptune class both did a play where the numbers dismiss zero as worthless, then realize that they need him to make other numbers worth more.

Michael (pronounced the Russian way: Mik-kay-el) of Uranus had a fantastic outfit for his part as announcer:
Lily of Neptune also had a great announcer costume:

Saturn class did well too.

My fellow teachers are really cute with their students:

Baby Kevin really is a baby, just barely three years old. He calls Lindsay uma (mommy).

Pluto class--the terrors--did a good job with their song about combing shapes to make objects:

They also had another song involving sock puppets:

Tiffany is the best behaved student in the class. She is super sweet; right now she is in a phase where she likes to hold teachers' hands:

Johnny here looks like the smug asshole he is:

Brian often overreacts to Johnny and here looks mildly traumatized:

Lisa is a fantastic kid all around:

At the end of the contest Will and I had to kill time until lunch, so we had to get the kids to sing songs, dance, etc. Lindsay was busy holding baby Kevin, so the teachers never conferred in order to determine a winner of the contest.

[Wow, I sound like an obnoxiously proud new parent in this post. Huh. Anyway...]

While we are on the topic of goings on at my school, one day Will did a little art project (Sunset with Whale, crayons on plain paper) along with some of his oldest kids and decided to post it on the teacher's lounge white board as if it were a fridge. I added one of my art projects (Dinosaur and Volcanoes, construction paper cut outs) I accumulated from doing the activities along with my kindergarten art class:


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