Saturday, December 14, 2013

Art Class

I really should have taken more pictures while teaching instead of just when I went sightseeing, but I did manage to bring my camera to one day's art class. The curriculum had them drawing construction vehicles in crayon, then water coloring.

Julie was very quiet in class, but was an excellent artist. 

Jackie always seemed to be grinning:

Hilary was an excellent student and enthusiastic about everything. 

I think this may the most serious Joshua ever looked:

Amber was a brilliant learner, and emotionally complex enough to cause enormous trouble at times.

Patric was one of the sweetest kids I've ever taught, and always a good, attentive, and quick-learning student. 

Woojin was always a good kid, if a bit off the wall at times. 

Not all my students were there that day, but this is still a good peak at my usual teaching life. 


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