Friday, April 20, 2012

Exeter and Okehampton

I started out just past dawn in order to view the town wall, the street art pieces, and the cathedral. The town walls included a niche with a memorial because the old town was targeted for bombing by the Nazis.

I broke my fast with pasties and olive bread from the Thursday market, then wandered the narrow alleys lined by timber frame houses.

The most well known of these is called The House That Moved, an inverted layer cake of an edifice that looks like a strong wind would demolish it, much less transit to a new location.

From Exeter I took a bus, viewing Launceston castle out window on the way to the ruins of Okehampton castle. From what's left you'd never guess that Okehampton was once the largest castle in Devon. Only the Norman motte and the shattered walls of the inner keep remain. There's a pleasant walk along a stream from town and back. I think I stayed longer than I would have otherwise because my castle obsession wouldn't let me skip any parts of the audio guide. 

My day had really just begun. I bused back to Exeter so I could venture forth into Cornwall. 


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