Friday, February 17, 2012

Avebury Stone Circle

Avebury is home to the largest stone circle in the world. It isn't as regular or photogenic as Stonehenge and is thus far less well known than the younger monument, but I found the visit far more enjoyable. 

I was able to walk among the massive blue-grey stones alone in the morning mist. 

I'm torn about the town that was built among the stones. On one hand, it's a shame to interrupt the ancient sacred place with houses and churches. On the other hand, this medieval dovecote is really cool:

Actually, the church and dovecote are outside the ditched circle. I don't at all approve of the roads, houses, and restaurants put within the standing stones.

I should mention that these stones are huge, especially the Portal Stones near the processional entrance.

The processional route is lined with more stone pillars leading out from the circle.

Past the procession a ways lies Silbury Hill, the largest constructed mound in Europe. Your guess to its purpose is as good as, well, anyone's. 

Also in the area is a long barrow. The burial mound once held fifty skeletons, dating from 3500 BCE. 

As much as I loved the ancient ruins, I hurried onward to England's Southwest arm.


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