Sunday, June 26, 2011

Beverley Minster and Friary

Though it was fully dark when I arrived in Beverly, it was not really that late, so I was sad to find the hostel closed. My persistence yielded an answer, but I found that the building was under renovation and so not open. This was a shame, since it was probably one of the most historical hostels out there, being a converted friary. I had a nice view of the Minster lit at night as I searched for a bed and breakfast. 

The Minster was just as impressive by the light of day. 

The Minster is famed for its carvings, many of which provide some of the best information we have about early musical instruments. 

Other carvings were strange and amusing; these grotesques lived up to their name. 

The modern sculpture was also a bit eerie. I approve. 

By day the friary looked very medieval, and I could see that it had a lovely view of the Minster. 


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