Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Flat Stanley in Korea

My little cousin's class read a book about a character named Flat Stanley who mailed himself all over the world. The students in her class participated by mailing their own copy of Flat Stanley to someone they knew, and she sent hers to me.

I took the paper doll to a few sights, and to my supervisor's Korean wedding.

Here's the short blog I wrote from Stanley's point of view: http://flatstanleyvisitskorea.blogspot.com (read from the bottom up).

Also, around the same time I mailed a box full of nonsense back to the US, which got great use at Renn Fayre and Burning Man. Some of my favorites were giant gloves shaped like bear paws that only had space for four fingers, a rectangular pillow with a cat face on it with a circular hole right in the middle, and this thing:


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