Monday, October 11, 2010

Noncronological update

By request, here's a brief update on my life in the present before I dive into the my trip to Iceland and Britain. I'm now in Bundang, South Korea, which is South-Southeast of Seoul. It's on the subway system but pretty far out of town really. I've been absurdly busy with work; I usually spent twelve or thirteen hours there plus another hour's worth of grading that I take home. I doubt I'll have much time for extracurricular activities, which is a shame since continuing with Taekwondo was one of my motivations for coming back to Korea. I am enjoying the teaching for the most part, and I think I'm a much better teacher this time around, which is a good feeling. I've gone out on a few adventures and have a few more lined up, but I'll get to those when I catch up with my other travels. We now resume our regularly (ha) scheduled blogging.

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